Investment Property in the Greater Albuquerque, New Mexico Area

Sentinel Real Estate & Investment can help you use your money to make money for your investors, trust or beneficiaries. We provide thorough analysis of multiple commercial property investment prospects to help you make the best financial decision.

Commercial Property Investment Opportunities

Sentinel Real Estate & Investment handles all types of commercial real estate, so we offer investment opportunities in properties including:

We can help you find commercial properties suited to industries you are familiar with and/or have other investment holdings in, or we can present new types of commercial properties for your consideration. All investment opportunities are presented with financial and market analysis, including traffic counts, growth trends, neighborhood demographics and development potential, to help you quantify the return on investment you may expect.

Maximizing Your Investment Property Potential

The profitability of most investment properties depends on the quality of tenants leasing space for their business operations. Sentinel Real Estate & Investment can help you find strong tenants to occupy your commercial property for maximum return on investment.

We aggressively market commercial space for lease, and we can arrange for a wide variety of lease agreements, including a gross lease or NNN lease.

Contact us to work with an experienced commercial real estate broker with local expertise.

Call us at 505.888.1500 for commercial property investment opportunities with high ROI potential.

Keeping Watch over Your Commercial Property Interests